Volunteer Profile

(* Denotes Required Fields)

Contact Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
Address (Street, Town/City, State, Zip Code): *
Volunteer Information
How did you hear about us?: *
Why do you want to volunteer?: *
Please list/describe any prior volunteer experience you have: *
Areas of interest (Check all that apply): *
*Because of the therapeutic nature of our work and our responsibility to maintain client confidentiality, volunteer opportunities working directly with the children are limited. 
Days Available: *
Hours Available: *
Previous Volunteer Experience
Please tell us about your previous volunteer experience(s):
Special Skills or Qualifications
Summarize special skills & qualifications you have acquired from employment, previous volunteer work, or other activities:
Additional Information
Keep In Touch
Please send me:
We do not have the space to store items so we need to rely on a network of friends to meet unique or emergency needs as they arise - a boy needs pants and a shirt for his first job interview; a family is leaving the shelter and needs a kitchen table and pots and pans; the group home needs supplies for a special project; a child placed in emergency care needs size 4T clothing (these are examples of past needs.) Most times these items can be new or used. Helping Hands are people who help fill these needs by donating the items if they can and spreading the word to see if someone they know might be able to help.