What does IICAPS stand for?
Intensive In-Home Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services.
What is the purpose of IICAPS?
To keep children at home and in the community and reduce the frequency of out-of-home placements or hospitalizations.
What does IICAPS do? How often does it work with young people and their families?
- IICAPS is a clinical therapeutic service.
- Each family works with an IICAPS team consisting of a master’s level clinician and a bachelor’s level mental health counselor.
- IICAPS is a voluntary service that legal guardians must consent to.
- IICAPS works with all systems involved in the family’s life (e.g., school, court, outpatient providers, DCF, etc.)
- Depending on the acuity of the case, IICAPS will be in the home 2 to 4 times per week.
- There is a minimum of 4 hours per week of face-to-face contact with the family.
- The length of IICAPS clinical services is approximately six months.
Who does IICAPS serve?
Children and adolescents ages 5-17 with a DSM-V diagnosis, a prior mental health treatment history and/or those young people who are at risk of being placed out of the home or are being placed back into the home/community setting.
Who can make a referral?
Any outpatient provider, inpatient provider, group home, the Department of Children and Families (DCF), Court Support Services Division (CSSD), parents, and schools may submit a referral.
How do I make a referral?
A referral can be made by completing and submitting the IICAPS Referral and Consent for Referral Packet signed by a legal guardian. An IICAPS administrator will then review the referral and contact the referral source with the final determination. Please submit completed forms to IICAPS@fcaweb.org.
Who pays for IICAPS?
IICAPS is a fee for service program paid for through Husky/Medicaid. In addition, DCF involvement (with the exception of investigations) can provide access if deemed appropriate.
Does private insurance reimburse for IICAPS?
Some private insurers do reimburse for IICAPS services. Family & Children’s Aid accepts these insurance plans that may cover IICAPS or a portion of IICAPS. Those insurers include Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and Aetna.
Does IICAPS provide psychiatric coverage and medication management?
IICAPS encourages families to work with other outpatient providers and can help connect you to other community providers. Family & Children’s Aid can also provide psychiatric services by making a referral to one of our psychiatrists or APRN’s if no other provider is available, however this is on a case-by-case basis.
How is the treatment plan developed?
Goals, strategies, and treatment are co-constructed with the family using the family’s “language.”
If you have a question not addressed here, please contact us at IICAPS@fcaweb.org.