Quality Parenting Center
The Quality Parenting Center (QPC) is a supervised visitation center for families with children ages birth–12. The QPC is designed to serve children who have been placed in out-of-home care by DCF due to protective service concerns by providing them a safe space to visit with their parents. The parents and children in out-of-home placements have often endured trauma resulting in mental and physical health concerns.
The QPC provides private visit rooms in unique spaces, both in Danbury and Waterbury, for children and their families to promote family interaction and normalcy. The QPC utilizes the Visit Coaching Model which provides the family with a Family Time Specialist who is actively involved in supporting the parent to demonstrate their best parenting skills, utilizing a strength-based approach. The QPC is open 7 days per week and all holidays, with flexible times to accommodate families and their needs.
Referrals to the QPC are made by DCF when close supervision, intervention, and monitoring is required to ensure the child’s safety and well-being.